Geantă cu Bandă în Formă

: CK 5400
No REF. No Contents Sizes X-Y cm UOM 40x30x40 cm Min. Quentity
1 CK-5401 Shaped Banded Bags 25x25 cm Box of 150 1500 pcs
2 CK-5402 Shaped Banded Bags 50x60 cm Box of 125 1000pcs
3 CK-5403 Shaped Banded Bags 80x80 cm Box of 100 1000 pcs
4 CK-5404 Shaped Banded Bags 60x100 cm Box of 100 1000 pcs
5 CK-5405 Shaped Banded Bags 70x120 cm Box of 100 1000 pcs
6 CK-5406 Shaped Banded Bags 80x100 cm Box of 100 1000 pcs
7 CK-5407 Shaped Banded Bags 100x150 cm Box of 75 750 pcs
8 CK-5408 Shaped Banded Bags 120x120 cm Box of 75 750 pcs

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